
For more than 25 years Danish Architect Pernille Arends has helped home owners, many of which were not DK citizens or native Danish-speaking, designing and planning home renovation construction projects. Her vast experience with private clients forms the basis for developing and now introducing a unique methodology that provides an alternativ solution: you taking charge of the process yourself following the proven system of...


This approach make the architect's toolbox available to all Danish home owners, who faces a demanding set of requirements from the government, municipal authorities, financial and legal system in Denmark. However, the method is also internationally applicable and adaptable to any country's rules & regulations.

What sets it apart from industry standards is the re-structuring and visually explaining of complex processes in a no-nonsense, engaging, bite sized, stylistically appealing and memorable way for non-professionals.

Warning: This is NOT a DIY-method for 'wannabe crafters' doing construction works!

This is a DIY-method for 'wannabe designers and project managers' who want professionally done construction works, but who finds themselves unable to get the bank's approval of a budget that includes the expenditure for an architect's studio designing and managing their home renovation from A to Z.

The system provides an architect's complete toolbox and project management system designed for proactive home owners about to start a highly complex construction project. A series of 16 workshops can be attended live or recorded and the workshops combined cover every aspect of a home renovation and provide a full overview of the process from A to Z,including reflections about sustainability in relation to our homes and construction, and the value of 'architecture' i relation to our homes as demonstrated in the internationally recognized Scandinavian Design Tradition.

To get started, sign up for Saturday, November 25nd (10am EST) or Sunday 26th (12pm EST): "Plan Your Home Renovation in 2 Hours w/ The ROOM Method"

Early Bird Discounts are available while the website presenting the concept to an international audience is still 'under construction'. Subscribe for information about dates for upcoming workshops and receive special offers.

Early Bird Offer: Access Pass to Future Workshops

$37.00 - $97.00

Introduction Bonus Offer: Get Free Membership with any Workshop


Live Workshop

$37.00 - $97.00